1. сущ.
а) эк. тр. содержание ; денежное пособие, денежная помощь; прибавка*, надбавка*
He had a comfortable allowance from his father and would not have had to worry at all about money. — Он получал от отца достаточное денежное содержание и мог вовсе не беспокоится о деньгах.
attendance allowance, away from home allowance, Basic Allowance for Housing, Basic Allowance for Quarters, bereavement allowance, board allowance, burial allowance, carer allowance, carer's allowance, child care allowance, child disability allowance, children's allowance, clothing allowance, cost-of-living allowance, dearness allowance, decorating allowance, disability allowance, disability living allowance, Disability Working Allowance, dismissal allowance, education maintenance allowance, Emergency Maintenance Allowance, enterprise allowance, entertainment allowance 2), family allowance, family separation allowance, finish-out allowance, funeral allowance, guardian's allowance, hardship allowance, higher duties allowance, Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowance, hospitality allowance, housing allowance, injury allowance, installation allowance, Independent Circumstances Allowance, job search allowance, jobseeker's allowance, language allowance, living allowance, living away from home allowance, lodging allowance, maternity allowance, mature age allowance, mileage allowance 2), mobility allowance, newstart allowance, night duty allowance, northern allowance, on-call allowance, overtime allowance, paternity allowance, per diem allowance, pharmaceutical allowance, qualification allowance, reduced earnings allowance, relocation allowance, rent allowance, responsibility allowance, retention allowance, seniors concession allowance, severance allowance, severe disability allowance, severe disablement allowance, shift allowance, sickness allowance, special responsibility allowance, subsistence allowance, telephone allowance, temporary duty travel allowance, temporary lodging allowance, tenant improvement allowance, Trade Readjustment Allowance, training allowance, Training Incentive Allowance, travel allowance, uniform allowance, Variable Housing Allowance, weekend allowance, widowed mother's allowance, widowed parent's allowance, widow's allowance, youth allowance, basic pay
б) эк. карманные деньги; деньги на мелкие расходы
allowance of pocket money — деньги на карманные расходы
в) , эк., воен. довольствие
а) общ. рацион, порция; паек; норма отпуска, норма выдачи; квота
at no allowance — неограниченно
recommended dietary allowance of vitamin C — рекомендованная диетическая норма витамина C
to put on short allowance — перевести на ограниченную норму, урезать норму
feed allowance — кормовой рацион
б) общ. норма времени
3) торг. скидка
to grant an allowance — предоставить скидку
tariff allowance — скидка с тарифа, тарифная скидка
advertising allowance, billback allowance, bill-back allowance, breakage allowance, buy-back allowance, buying allowance, case allowance, cooperative advertising allowance, damaged goods allowance, display allowance, distribution allowance, merchandise allowance, merchandising allowance, off-invoice allowance, price allowance, promotion allowance, promotional allowance, purchase allowance, retail display allowance, sales allowance, slotting allowance, trade allowance, trade-in allowance, discount 1. 1) а) invoice price, purchase returns and allowances, sales returns and allowances
4) гос. фин. налоговая скидка
age allowance, allowance against tax, allowance for depletion, allowance for depreciation, amortization allowance, balancing allowance, capital allowance, capital cost allowance, capital gains tax allowance, capital recovery allowance, depletion allowance, depreciation allowance, first year allowance, income tax allowance, industrial-buildings allowance, initial allowance, investment allowance, investment tax allowance, married couple's allowance, personal allowance, wear and tear allowance, wife's earned income allowance, withholding allowance, writing down allowance
5) общ. учет; допущение; поправка , принятие в расчет, во внимание
with an allowance for risk — с учетом риска
а) , редк. разрешение, допущение, позволение; легальность
allowance of slavery — узаконенность рабства
б) , юр., пат. признание
allowance of claim — признание обоснованности претензии
7) , фин. резерв
allowance for bad debts, allowance for borrowed funds used during construction, allowance for doubtful accounts, allowance for equity funds used during construction, allowance for funds during construction, allowance for funds used during construction, allowance for loan losses, allowance for uncollectible accounts, allowance for uncollectibles, bad debt allowance, loan loss allowance, valuation allowance, allowance method
а) , тех. допуск, допустимое отклонение
б) учет допустимая потеря*
2. гл.
1) общ. ограничивать строго определенным количеством; рационировать потребление
I am allowanced two glasses three hours before dinner. — Мне разрешают выпить два бокала за три часа до ужина.
2) эк. назначать [выдавать\] паек, содержание и т. п.
* * *
1) налоговая скидка;
2) денежное содержание, командировочные, карманные деньги;
3) допущение;
4) резерв против плохих долгов;
5) резерв для корректировки стоимости актива, амортизации в бухгалтерском учете;
6) скидка с цены;
7) скидка со стоимости счета-фактуры, разрешенная продавцом-производителем товара для покрытия порчи или недостачи, а также расходов на маркетинг товара;
brokerage allowance;
* * *
Оценочный резерв
* * *
Бухгалтерия и аудит
освобождаемая от налога сумма, которая вычитывается из налогооблагаемого дохода перед калькуляцией суммы налога
Англо-русский экономический словарь.