
financial intermediary
A party such as a bank or other financial institution that accepts funds from a provider and places those funds with a user. The intermediary's investment from the user is usually for a longer term, usually has less liquidity, and usually has more credit risk than the intermediary's liability to the provider. American Banker Glossary
Specialist ( bank, investment firm, online broker, etc.) that trades on a financial market on behalf of investors. The services provided by an intermediary depend on its status: order reception/transmission, trading, custody etc.. NYSE Euronext Glossary

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financial intermediary financial intermediary intermediary

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financial intermediary UK US noun [C] FINANCE
an organization that makes loans, sells financial products, etc.: »

In the world of finance the need to barter is avoided by using a financial intermediary, such as a bank.

a person who sells financial products, such as an independent financial adviser

Financial and business terms. 2012.