
See consolidated stock. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary
Consols are British bonds that have no specified maturity date and pay a coupon forever. London Stock Exchange Glossary

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Consols Con‧sols [ˈkɒnsɒlz, kənˈsɒlz ǁ ˈkɑːnsɑːlz, kənˈsɑːlz] noun [plural]
FINANCE British government bonds that have no fixed date for repayment and so will continue to pay interest; = CONSOLIDATED STOCK

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Consols UK US /ˈkɒnsɒlz/ noun [plural] FINANCE
ABBREVIATION for Consolidated Stock or Consolidated Annuities: in the UK, bonds that have a low rate of interest and no fixed date for when the loan will be paid back

Financial and business terms. 2012.