
   An oasis in the northern part of the Western Desert just east of the present Libyan border. There is no direct evidence for Egyptian control until Dynasty 26, when the famous temple to Amunwas built, although this does not preclude earlier Egyptian influence. The oracle of the temple became well known in the classical world. Cambyses was alleged to have tried and failed to conquer the oasis. The oracle was consulted by Alexanderthe Greatand was believed to have confirmed his divine origin. There are a number of tombs probably from the Late Period and the Graeco-Roman Period, notably the tombof Siamun, who is depicted in Greek fashion. A German expedition has been working there since 1993.
   See also Bahariyaoasis; Dakhlaoasis; Farfaraoasis; Khargaoasis.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier

Ancient Egypt. A Reference Guide. . 2011.