(reigned 526–525 BC)
Throne name Ankhkaenre. Son of Ahmose II and Tantheta, daughter of the priest of Ptah Padineith. Shortly after his accession, he faced an invasion by Cambyses, king of Persia, who conquered Egypt and took him prisoner. He and his son were later executed for plotting against the new ruler. Ptah. Chief god of Memphis depicted as a mummiform man with a cap and beard holding a sceptre. His principal epithet was Lord of Maat, or Truth. He was associated with crafts. Ptah was worshipped throughout the country as one of the main deities. The priests of Memphis credited him with the first act of creation. His consort was the goddess Sakhmet, and with their son, Nefertum, they formed the Memphite triad. The temple of Ptah at Memphis is now in a ruined state with little remaining of its ancient splendor, which may have rivaled that of Karnak.
See also Religion.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier
Ancient Egypt. A Reference Guide. EdwART. 2011.