
(reigned c. 1555 BC)
   Throne name Seqenenre. Penultimate ruler of Dynasty 17 and prince of Thebes. Son of Queen Tetisheri and possibly Senakhtenre. Likely a vassal of the Hyksos, he later led Theban forces against them in the north. Aliterary tale implies conflict between him and the Hyksos ruler Apepi. His mummy was recovered in the royal cacheand shows that he died violently. He is of ten referred to as Tao II since his predecessor, whose throne name was Senakhtenre, may have had the same personal name, although this is not certain.
   See also Ahhotep; Ahmose; Ahmose-Nefertari; Kamose.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier

Ancient Egypt. A Reference Guide. . 2011.