Greek name for ancient Egyptian Djane, modern San elHagara, a city in the northeastern part of the Delta in the 19th Egyptian nome of Lower Egypt. It came into prominence during Dynasty 21 as the residence of the royal family founded by Nesbanebdjed, mayor of Tanis. The town was decorated with monuments moved from other sites, like Pi-Ramesses. The town was excavated by Auguste Mariette in the 1860s and Flinders Petrie in 1884. A French expedition worked the site from 1929–1940, 1945–1951, and 1954–1956 under Pierre Montet; worked the area from 1965–1985 under Jean Yoyotte; and has worked the site since 1985 under Philippe Brissaud. In 1939, inside the temple complex dedicated to Amun, Montet found the tombsof the some of the rulers of Dynasty 21 and Dynasty 22.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier
Ancient Egypt. A Reference Guide. EdwART. 2011.