(reigned c. 825–785 BC)
Throne name Usermaatre setepenre or setepenamun. Epithet meryamun si-bast netjer heka iunu. Successor of Takelot II of Dynasty 22. It appears that during his reign the unity of Egypt was broken and a rival line of rulers was established as Dynasty 23, beginning with Pedubast I. Sheshonq III carried out building works at Tanis with material brought from PiRamesses. His intact tomb at Tanis was discovered in 1939. AKing Usimaatre meryamun Sheshonq is known to have lived during this time in Thebes, and his name may be a variant of Sheshonq’s title or a separate king now to be known as Sheshonq VI. Sheshonq III may have been succeeded by Sheshonq IV.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier
Ancient Egypt. A Reference Guide. EdwART. 2011.